Friday, September 12, 2008

Dinah the Guide Dog....

These very hairy and fury stick puppets were created by the Year 1 class. I read them the story called- "Dinah". Now Dinah is the story about the naughty Labrador puppy who is different. Dinah gets into all sorts of mischief and her mum warns her that ,"no one wants a naughty dog, who is different!" Eventually she is taken by a person who likes her difference. She is trained to be a seeing eye dog. Dinah then becomes the eyes for a blind man. So this different puppy becomes very special- a guide dog. As a class we discussed guide dogs, who has seen one and why we just don't go up and pat a guide dogs?- (Because they are working and could get distracted, they need to stay focused! as said by a Yr 1 student) The year 1 class was very intuitive and gave some very enlightened thoughts and comments. Then each student was able to create their own hairy Dinah puppet!!!Yes some "Dinah's" had more of the traditional colours and others were way out there. Some Dinah's had wool and some had felt coats. All Dinah's had eyes (some were goggle), as they are of course the eyes for the vision impaired.

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