What happens when you study bugs, as well as creepy crawlies and allow free reign when it comes to sculpture and construction? These magnificent 3 dimensional bugs were created after weeks of drawing, collage and study. This session was all about creating a new/ imaginary bug from a multitude of construction material. Wool, tinsel stems, sticky tape, textas, cardboard boxes, plastic containers, ribbon, streamers, glue, coloured paper and the list just goes on and on...-With wings, legs and antennae, it was a free for all...-Some were larger than others, yet each student was able to articulate the "special" features their bug had.-Many were dolled up, with frills and clothes?-No two mini beasts were the same..... Each student had a passion of their own bug!
-Lady butterfly was the older of the day for this student above....
-This bug had beady eyes and aeroplane wings..... as well as a stinger! Ouch!!!
-Lady butterfly was the older of the day for this student above....
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